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WANTED: Superjuegos PC (Salvat)

WANTED: The following games from Salvat’s PC Superjuegos collection, for dumping and scanning:

  1. Bram Stoker’s Dracula
  2. Prince of Persia
  3. Chuck Yeager’s Air Combat
  4. Car and Driver
  5. Veil of Darkness
  6. Michael Jordan in Flight
  7. PGA Tour Golf
  8. Patton Strikes Back
  9. Obitus
  10. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
  11. Dark Seed
  12. Populous II
  13. SIM City Classic
  14. 688 Attack Sub
  15. CyberRace
  16. ¿Dónde está Carmen Sandiego? ¡Búscala en el cosmos!
  17. LHX Attack Chopper
  18. The Summoning
  19. Birds of Prey
  20. Igor: Objetivo Uikokahonia
  21. SIM Farm
  22. Centurion
  23. Creepers
  24. Indianapolis 500
  25. Chessmaster 3000
  26. ? Battle Chess 4000
  27. ? The Summoning
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?

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