Some of the means with which Carlos and Ignacio Abril worked in the 80s and 90s, including the Spectrum 48K in a DK’Tronics keyboard in which they developed Phantis and Nonamed.
Part of the graphic material made by Adonías, deepfb, Carlos Abril and Ignacio Abril for the GamesTM Spain #4 and New Super Juegos #3 magazines.
Sources: @Adonias8bits, GamesTM Spain #4, New Super Juegos #3
Rebuscando en discos duros… encuentro la carpeta WIP del repor que en la sección "8 BITS CONFIDENCIAL" de @GamesTM_es dedicamos a PHANTIS… disfrutando tanta info maravillosa que (gracias a @johnnyfarragut) salió en los disquetes y cintas de trabajo de @CarAbr2 y @nacho_abril.
— Adonías (@Adonias8bits) August 7, 2019